Thursday, April 25, 2013

Got My Back? Pledge Matching Begins Today!

I am so excited to announce that I now have a backer who is willing to match new pledges for my Kickstarter campaign!

Between now and May 2, every Kickstarter pledge made will be matched, up to $8,000.

So, please help me get the remaining pledges needed for this project! If you've already backed me, but want to increase your pledge, that will count towards the matching. If you haven't backed me yet, please consider doing so. These videos will help so many people. If you cannot back me, please let people know about the campaign so that others can.

Send this email to anyone who:

  • loves yoga
  • has chronic pain
  • has physical limitations
  • is healing from injury or illness
  • has chronic stress
  • has difficulty getting to a yoga class
  • is taking care of someone with any of the above situations

I can't wait to get this funded so I can share these videos with people in hospitals, clinics, support groups, as well as anyone going through challenging times.

Here is the link to the Kickstarter page, where people will need to register and pledge:

No money will be exchanged unless I receive my goal of $18,700 by May 2. Please help me get there!