Thursday, May 1, 2008

Staying Calm

Dearest yogis and yoginis,

A student approached me after class today and asked me to help her with a practice to stay calm during the frustrating, agitating times that life presents us. We discussed breathing techniques, visualization and methods to keep compassionate in the face of adversity. I realized after this conversation, that this is at the heart of yoga for me: relationships. The underlying intention of all my practices is to relate better. It's what keeps me coming back to my mat after 9 years, and I feel blessed when my students recognize yoga as more than an incredible physically healing tool. I learn so much from you all, and I am so grateful! Thank you. So, the next time you find yourself in a frustrating, defensive or distracted state, take a breath, exhale completely and hold the exhale out for a bit... It all begins with the breath, the end is nowhere in sight, but the journey is the nectar!


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Marichyasana, or Sage Twist, is a wonderful pose to support digestion and a healthy spine. Please refer to Erich Schiffmann's website for instructions on getting into the pose.