Monday, September 1, 2008

Moving into Fall

Dearest yogis and yoginis,

I am sending this newsletter out a bit early this month, because I wanted to give you ample notice about this Labor Day weekend's classes (see below). I hope to see you in one of the three I will be teaching. Also, there are two new podcasts available for you to practice with: You can listen to the files from my website (go to, click Join a class, then click Podcasts), or download the files from Ourmedia. It's important that we reconnect with our practices this time of year, to really solidify our routines as life becomes more hectic. It will serve you into the holiday, too. For more information on how our practice changes in fall, and to set up for a natural state of meditation, come to the Fall Yoga Workshop on Sept 13.


Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.

Supta Padangusthasana (reclining big toe pose)
I chose this pose for its grounding elements, so try to find a sense of stability within the pose. It is also a great pose to shake off fatigue at the end of the day!
Click here for pictures, variations and instruction.