What we are practicing now...
Pasasana (the noose pose) is a wonderfully warming pose that massages the abdominal organs, stretches the ankles, calves, knees, hips, shoulders and torso. In class, we have been working with the wall as a prop to work towards the pose. See Yoga Journal's instructions for getting into the pose.
Schedule updates... ah, the impermanence...
- Saturday, August 15th 10:00-11:30am Yoga Soup at Willow Glen Yoga in San Jose. Join me for a wonderful blend in active (vinyasa) and passive (somatics) techniques to unstick the body!
- Thursday night 7:45 class at Willow Glen Yoga is now an Intro-to-Yoga series; no drop-ins allowed. For yin, please come Tuesday nights only.
- Wednesday nights, 6:00-7:00pm at GGBC in Campbell in a yin class, which is followed by a meditation class. Come join us for clarity in body and mind!
- Last Tuesday 10:00am yin class at Courtside in Los Gatos will be August 25.
Coming up...
- New class for Adobe employees: beginning Monday, September 14, 5:30-6:30pm! Check with Jessica in the fitness center to sign up.
- Fundraiser yoga class with Debora Parente-Cohen coming in October... more details soon!
- As of this writing, I still have 1 room available for the Wine, Dine and Yoga Retreat September 25-27. Please let me know asap if you are interested!