Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Year of Living Consciously Part 2

Here we are in our second installment of this new way of being. How was it to watch your thoughts? Were you able to witness the ripples of conditionality of some thoughts? Keep observing them and notice how things change.

This month, we'll study the breath. In yoga we call this pranavidya. Each breath pattern sends those same ripples through your beings - nervous system, physical body and emotions, so notice when you are breathing shallow and we you are breathing deeply. What external circumstances bring about these conditions? Can you work backwards and create an external circumstance based on your breathing pattern? (The answer is yes, by the way, but test this out for yourself.) Make a study of your own breathing patterns and be like an investigator of your breath. Notice depth, length, texture, location (where in your body do you feel your breath) and connection to external things, like body posture, emotions, etc. Just by studying your breath, it will become more conscious, which is to say, more effective. When people tell me they can't do yoga, I counter with, "can you breathe?" If you are breathing consciously, you are doing yoga.


updates and special events; please see Special Events age for more details...

  • March 4 1:00-3:30pm: Serenity Yoga, a Gentle and Restorative Yoga Workshop at Willow Glen Yoga. Please join us for subtle movements, deep breathing and supportive restorative postures. Pre-registration is $40, add $10 week of the workshop. Register at
  • Coming in March: FREE Yoga for Cancer Survivorship class Tuesdays noon-12:45pm at Breathe Los Gatos. Contact Lorien for more info.
  • April 27-29, 2012 Weekend Retreat with Lorien and Marti Foster at Mayacamas Ranch in Calistoga. See Special Events for more info.