This is the time of year that my mind gravitates toward celebration and tradition. This month, we'll see the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year and the origin of many of our modern celebrations. The waning light enables us to contemplate more as we direct our thoughts and energy more inward. To me, the underlying theme for all the different traditions is taking time to reflect on what matters. That reflection can be in the form of a family gathering, gift-giving, lighting candles, prayer, meditation... anything that allows us to pause in our daily lives and see the bigger picture. We also see this pause in our yoga classes, when we bow at the end and repeat the word "namaste". Literally, namaste means "I bow to you" and is usually said with palms pressed together at the center of the chest and the head bowed. The physical gestures represent a respect of the heart's wisdom, and an acknowledgment that we are all connected. Performing namaste with conscious intention is a quick but significant celebration that we can all share, no matter our religion, politics, geography or social-economic situation!
To continue receiving my monthly newsletters, please join my blog as I will no longer be sending them out via email. Click HERE to view my blog. I'll announce schedule news, post monthly poses, my point of view ramblings and new podcasts.
Enjoy your chosen celebration and thank you for your continued support and attention. I bow to you. Namaste, Lorien
Monthly Pose
Parivrtta Trikonasana (Crossed Triangle posture, original variation)
Most of us were taught this pose as part of our physical education in school; I remember them as "windmills", and they were done quite fast. Rather than go quickly, move slowly into the pose, pause and breath as you explore the movement of your spine, then come out with control and a strong back.
To come into the pose:
1) Stand with your feet wide apart, 3.5-4 feet. Turn your feet so the outside edges are parallel. Imagine a pulley system in your legs - running down the outside of your legs and running up the inside of your legs. In this way, keep your arches from falling and activate your inner thighs. Be aware of over-straightening your knees and put a very small bend in them.
2) Open your arms wide and lengthen through the crown of your head, stretching your body in all 5 directions. (As you fold, remember to keep this length through your torso.)
3) Twist at your waist and bend so that your right hand comes towards your left foot. Try not to twist your hips. If you cannot easily reach the floor, place your hand on your shin or a block; if you can easily reach the floor, try bringing your palm to the outside of your foot. Lengthen the crown of your head and try to look up at your left arm. Breathe here for 5-10 conscious breaths. Remember to energize your legs, especially the inside line.
4) To come out, engage your legs strongly, lengthen your spine and unwind. Lift slowly with a flat back and come back to standing. If you have low blood pressure, or if you notice a dizzy feeling when you rise, pause halfway and be sure to exhale as you come the rest of the way up. Repeat on the other side.
This pose strengthens the back muscles and stretches the hamstrings; it also encourages energy to move downward (apana), while energizing the intestines. This will keep your digestive fire active through the holiday seasons!
Schedule Updates
See website for complete schedule:
~ SPECIAL CLASSES IN DECEMBER: Foundation Yoga on Thursday, December 18th 9:00-10:30am and Yoga Basics on Sunday, December 21st 10:00-11:30am; both classes are at Willow Glen Yoga.
~ NEW CLASS FOR JANUARY: Hatha Flow Wednesday mornings 9:00-10:30am at Willow Glen Yoga begins January 7th; come explore the breath, bandhas, meditation and asana in a warm, dynamic practice - a perfect place to relieve the winter blahs and bring a smile to your face!
~ JANUARY WORKSHOP: Intro to Flow Workshop on Saturday, January 24th 1:30-4:00pm at Decathlon Club in Santa Clara. The perfect workshop to start or restart your dynamic yoga practice, you'll learn breath, poses and flows that are found in any flow yoga class, as well as the best ways to modify for your specific needs!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Yoga & Awareness
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
This month I'd like to discuss "awareness". We cultivate awareness in our yoga practice with the simple act of breathing consciously, and I hope that awareness doesn't end with your yoga class. It's important to remain connected to what is happening inside us as well as around us: the obvious things like driving habits may save lives; the subtle things like recycling may impact our species' time on this planet. There are a group of yogis who toured across Europe, carrying with them all the trash they created, trying not to exceed what they can fit into one backpack (you can read more about their experience here). What a wonderful exercise on awareness! There are many ways to become awakened to what's around us. I hope you take some time in the coming holiday months to find a way to connect and stay aware - whether through yoga or your trash!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Pawanmuktasana Series (Joint Freeing Series)
I've attached a file that depicts some great movements and stretches for the joints; these are recommended for students with various ailments such as: arthritis, bursitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, lymphedema, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease. Even if you don't suffer from these disorders, the series is a wonderful way to keep the joints supple during the cool months of fall and winter!
This month I'd like to discuss "awareness". We cultivate awareness in our yoga practice with the simple act of breathing consciously, and I hope that awareness doesn't end with your yoga class. It's important to remain connected to what is happening inside us as well as around us: the obvious things like driving habits may save lives; the subtle things like recycling may impact our species' time on this planet. There are a group of yogis who toured across Europe, carrying with them all the trash they created, trying not to exceed what they can fit into one backpack (you can read more about their experience here). What a wonderful exercise on awareness! There are many ways to become awakened to what's around us. I hope you take some time in the coming holiday months to find a way to connect and stay aware - whether through yoga or your trash!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Pawanmuktasana Series (Joint Freeing Series)
I've attached a file that depicts some great movements and stretches for the joints; these are recommended for students with various ailments such as: arthritis, bursitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, lymphedema, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease. Even if you don't suffer from these disorders, the series is a wonderful way to keep the joints supple during the cool months of fall and winter!
joint freeing,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Riding the Vata wave...
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
I had something completely different written up for this month's newsletter, but when I tuned in to the frenetic energy these past few weeks, I realized I needed to address it, instead. For those of you who came to the fall yoga workshop last month, this will be a bit of a repeat, because our society is definitely experiencing the swirling change of vata energy!
For some of you, our country's economic state may be very destabilizing for you, and you may be experiencing some feelings of betrayal, uncertainty or insecurity. This is a good time to get into your body and move some of that energy out. Do slow, consistent exercises and stretches with a steady breath. Connect with your heart beat, the earth, your breath, and the pauses between your breaths. Find a routine and stick to it. Avoid over-scheduling, rushing, loud noises and depleting your energy reserves.
If you are looking for options to keep to your budget, I have several for you. First, the Monday evening yin and yang class in Campbell is a donation-based class, so feel free to drop in and pay what you can... even if that's a karmic transaction! Second, Willow Glen Yoga offers work exchange options for a variety of jobs, so if you're looking to come to any of their classes in exchange for some time, check out their website for more details. Lastly, if you absolutely cannot make it to class, please see my website for podcasts of classes, including one for those of you stuck at a desk all day long. These podcasts are a great way to supplement/substitute your practice until you can rejoin a class. To find my podcasts, go to, click on Join a Class, then click on the Podcasts link.
Keep practicing, especially when you don't think you have the time or money - that's when you need it the most!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Anahatasana (heart melting pose)
This pose, affectionately called by some students the "butt in the air pose", is a wonderful release for the back, especially the sacrum. I like the restorative version, where you place a bolster (or 2, if you're more flexible in your back) under your hips and a folded blanket under your chest, allowing your head to "hang" off the blanket to relieve any compression, if it arises, in your neck. You can stay here for up to 5 minutes, turning your head halfway through the pose. Here's a picture of me in the restorative pose:

For a more active version of the pose, check out This is a big chest opener! Remember to pad under your knees and only hold the pose as long as your neck feels comfortable.
I had something completely different written up for this month's newsletter, but when I tuned in to the frenetic energy these past few weeks, I realized I needed to address it, instead. For those of you who came to the fall yoga workshop last month, this will be a bit of a repeat, because our society is definitely experiencing the swirling change of vata energy!
For some of you, our country's economic state may be very destabilizing for you, and you may be experiencing some feelings of betrayal, uncertainty or insecurity. This is a good time to get into your body and move some of that energy out. Do slow, consistent exercises and stretches with a steady breath. Connect with your heart beat, the earth, your breath, and the pauses between your breaths. Find a routine and stick to it. Avoid over-scheduling, rushing, loud noises and depleting your energy reserves.
If you are looking for options to keep to your budget, I have several for you. First, the Monday evening yin and yang class in Campbell is a donation-based class, so feel free to drop in and pay what you can... even if that's a karmic transaction! Second, Willow Glen Yoga offers work exchange options for a variety of jobs, so if you're looking to come to any of their classes in exchange for some time, check out their website for more details. Lastly, if you absolutely cannot make it to class, please see my website for podcasts of classes, including one for those of you stuck at a desk all day long. These podcasts are a great way to supplement/substitute your practice until you can rejoin a class. To find my podcasts, go to, click on Join a Class, then click on the Podcasts link.
Keep practicing, especially when you don't think you have the time or money - that's when you need it the most!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Anahatasana (heart melting pose)
This pose, affectionately called by some students the "butt in the air pose", is a wonderful release for the back, especially the sacrum. I like the restorative version, where you place a bolster (or 2, if you're more flexible in your back) under your hips and a folded blanket under your chest, allowing your head to "hang" off the blanket to relieve any compression, if it arises, in your neck. You can stay here for up to 5 minutes, turning your head halfway through the pose. Here's a picture of me in the restorative pose:

For a more active version of the pose, check out This is a big chest opener! Remember to pad under your knees and only hold the pose as long as your neck feels comfortable.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Moving into Fall
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
I am sending this newsletter out a bit early this month, because I wanted to give you ample notice about this Labor Day weekend's classes (see below). I hope to see you in one of the three I will be teaching. Also, there are two new podcasts available for you to practice with: You can listen to the files from my website (go to, click Join a class, then click Podcasts), or download the files from Ourmedia. It's important that we reconnect with our practices this time of year, to really solidify our routines as life becomes more hectic. It will serve you into the holiday, too. For more information on how our practice changes in fall, and to set up for a natural state of meditation, come to the Fall Yoga Workshop on Sept 13.
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Supta Padangusthasana (reclining big toe pose)
I chose this pose for its grounding elements, so try to find a sense of stability within the pose. It is also a great pose to shake off fatigue at the end of the day!
Click here for pictures, variations and instruction.
I am sending this newsletter out a bit early this month, because I wanted to give you ample notice about this Labor Day weekend's classes (see below). I hope to see you in one of the three I will be teaching. Also, there are two new podcasts available for you to practice with: You can listen to the files from my website (go to, click Join a class, then click Podcasts), or download the files from Ourmedia. It's important that we reconnect with our practices this time of year, to really solidify our routines as life becomes more hectic. It will serve you into the holiday, too. For more information on how our practice changes in fall, and to set up for a natural state of meditation, come to the Fall Yoga Workshop on Sept 13.
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Supta Padangusthasana (reclining big toe pose)
I chose this pose for its grounding elements, so try to find a sense of stability within the pose. It is also a great pose to shake off fatigue at the end of the day!
Click here for pictures, variations and instruction.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Yoga Podcasts!
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
Well, I am happy to announce that my experiment with podcasts is a success so far! I've recorded 2 different classes and uploaded them to You can listen to the files from my website (go to, click Join a class, then click Podcasts), or download the files from Ourmedia. As I state on my website, these are meant to be supplementary to your ongoing practice. I do strongly recommend gaining a good foundation in yoga from a live teacher before trying the classes. I plan to upload a new class each month and will try to present a nice variety of classes for you. Feedback is welcome, but please remember that I am new to the whole podcasting process, so translating any "tech-speak" into layman's terms is appreciated. Enjoy!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Marichiyasana (pose dedicated to the sage, Marichi)
This is a wonderful seated pose that has several variations, all focused on stretching the legs and hips and massaging the abdominal organs. Click here for pictures, variations and instruction.
Well, I am happy to announce that my experiment with podcasts is a success so far! I've recorded 2 different classes and uploaded them to You can listen to the files from my website (go to, click Join a class, then click Podcasts), or download the files from Ourmedia. As I state on my website, these are meant to be supplementary to your ongoing practice. I do strongly recommend gaining a good foundation in yoga from a live teacher before trying the classes. I plan to upload a new class each month and will try to present a nice variety of classes for you. Feedback is welcome, but please remember that I am new to the whole podcasting process, so translating any "tech-speak" into layman's terms is appreciated. Enjoy!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Marichiyasana (pose dedicated to the sage, Marichi)
This is a wonderful seated pose that has several variations, all focused on stretching the legs and hips and massaging the abdominal organs. Click here for pictures, variations and instruction.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
My Foster Hair
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
Happy summer! Those of you who have seen me recently know that I cut my hair short. I didn't cut it because of the season; I donated my hair to an organization called Locks of Love, a non-profit group that provides hairpieces to children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. My daughter's teacher presented the idea to the class at the beginning of the school year, and we did it together. It was an interesting journey for me. I didn't think much about it until the time grew closer, and my hair was at a length that I really enjoyed. I never resented committing to the project, but did feel some conflict as I thought, "why can't I keep it this length always?" Then, I began to realize my mistake: hair grows - my hair, especially... I could never keep it the same length, because it's always changing. I began to detach from my hair, thinking of it as "foster" hair, and nurtured it for someone else. What a rewarding lesson! Rather than clinging to something that was bound to cause me unhappiness, I let it go for someone else to use. It made me want to repeat the process - to cling to the process, even! This is the work for me. I hope you find a rewarding way to let something go this summer.
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend pose)
To come into the pose, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Lean your torson back a bit, and press your hands into the floor to open the legs wide. Ground your SITS bones down (if you are stuck rolling onto your tailbone, elevate the hips as described below). You knees and toes should face up. Raise your chest up and out to bend forward, keeping the knees and toes facing up and your back long. Find your limit and either rest on your hands, elbows, a bolster or the floor. Once you've found your edge, back off a bit and soften the joints - ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders, neck and jaw. Breathe here for 1-5 minutes, supporting your torso with your hands as you come out. Be sure to rotate your ankles, bend your knees and rotate your hips to relieve any tension. Here is the Yoga Journal's picture of the pose.
If the hips are tight, elevate them with a folded blanket or cushion.
If the hamstrings are tight (you feel an excessive pull at the back of your knees), bend your knees and put a towel or blanket roll underneath, or place your feet flat on the floor.
If you don't feel yourself descending very far, put a chair in front of you and rest your arms and head on the seat of the chair. Here is a picture of that variation.
This pose opens the hips, groin, back and inside of the legs, massages the reproductive organs, stimulates the ovaries, calms the brain, relieves sciatica and arthritis in the hips.
Happy summer! Those of you who have seen me recently know that I cut my hair short. I didn't cut it because of the season; I donated my hair to an organization called Locks of Love, a non-profit group that provides hairpieces to children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. My daughter's teacher presented the idea to the class at the beginning of the school year, and we did it together. It was an interesting journey for me. I didn't think much about it until the time grew closer, and my hair was at a length that I really enjoyed. I never resented committing to the project, but did feel some conflict as I thought, "why can't I keep it this length always?" Then, I began to realize my mistake: hair grows - my hair, especially... I could never keep it the same length, because it's always changing. I began to detach from my hair, thinking of it as "foster" hair, and nurtured it for someone else. What a rewarding lesson! Rather than clinging to something that was bound to cause me unhappiness, I let it go for someone else to use. It made me want to repeat the process - to cling to the process, even!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend pose)
To come into the pose, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Lean your torson back a bit, and press your hands into the floor to open the legs wide. Ground your SITS bones down (if you are stuck rolling onto your tailbone, elevate the hips as described below). You knees and toes should face up. Raise your chest up and out to bend forward, keeping the knees and toes facing up and your back long. Find your limit and either rest on your hands, elbows, a bolster or the floor. Once you've found your edge, back off a bit and soften the joints - ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders, neck and jaw. Breathe here for 1-5 minutes, supporting your torso with your hands as you come out. Be sure to rotate your ankles, bend your knees and rotate your hips to relieve any tension. Here is the Yoga Journal's picture of the pose.
If the hips are tight, elevate them with a folded blanket or cushion.
If the hamstrings are tight (you feel an excessive pull at the back of your knees), bend your knees and put a towel or blanket roll underneath, or place your feet flat on the floor.
If you don't feel yourself descending very far, put a chair in front of you and rest your arms and head on the seat of the chair. Here is a picture of that variation.
This pose opens the hips, groin, back and inside of the legs, massages the reproductive organs, stimulates the ovaries, calms the brain, relieves sciatica and arthritis in the hips.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Breathe to Balance Energy
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
As I write this, I am gazing out at a beautiful blue sky, with my heater full-blast on my feet; this is a sure sign that we are into the transition of Spring to Summer! It's important during this time that you be aware of your energy, as it may change as quickly as the weather. A simple way to balance energy is to sit comfortably and just breathe deeply for a few minutes, with eyes closed, and assess how you feel: if you are feeling sleepy or heavy, raise your hand to close the left nostril and breathe through the right for a few minutes; if you are feeling impatient or ungrounded, raise your hand to close the right nostril and breathe through the left for a few minutes. Repeat this practice as often as you need to during the day to feel balanced - especially before bedtime!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
An inversion this time of year is great, but again, you want your practice to balance energy. So, I'll give you a choice between two very different inversions: Dolphin and Legs Up a Wall.
Dolphin should be practiced early in the day, when you are feeling sleepy or heavy. Here is a nice video to demonstrate how to get into Dolphin. Stretch your neck out after, if it feels stiff.
Legs Up a Wall can be practiced any time of the day, but should be taken when you are feeling impatient, agitated or ungrounded. Pictures and instructions on getting into the pose.
As I write this, I am gazing out at a beautiful blue sky, with my heater full-blast on my feet; this is a sure sign that we are into the transition of Spring to Summer! It's important during this time that you be aware of your energy, as it may change as quickly as the weather. A simple way to balance energy is to sit comfortably and just breathe deeply for a few minutes, with eyes closed, and assess how you feel: if you are feeling sleepy or heavy, raise your hand to close the left nostril and breathe through the right for a few minutes; if you are feeling impatient or ungrounded, raise your hand to close the right nostril and breathe through the left for a few minutes. Repeat this practice as often as you need to during the day to feel balanced - especially before bedtime!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
An inversion this time of year is great, but again, you want your practice to balance energy. So, I'll give you a choice between two very different inversions: Dolphin and Legs Up a Wall.
Dolphin should be practiced early in the day, when you are feeling sleepy or heavy. Here is a nice video to demonstrate how to get into Dolphin. Stretch your neck out after, if it feels stiff.
Legs Up a Wall can be practiced any time of the day, but should be taken when you are feeling impatient, agitated or ungrounded. Pictures and instructions on getting into the pose.
dolphin pose,
legs up wall pose,
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Staying Calm
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
A student approached me after class today and asked me to help her with a practice to stay calm during the frustrating, agitating times that life presents us. We discussed breathing techniques, visualization and methods to keep compassionate in the face of adversity. I realized after this conversation, that this is at the heart of yoga for me: relationships. The underlying intention of all my practices is to relate better. It's what keeps me coming back to my mat after 9 years, and I feel blessed when my students recognize yoga as more than an incredible physically healing tool. I learn so much from you all, and I am so grateful! Thank you. So, the next time you find yourself in a frustrating, defensive or distracted state, take a breath, exhale completely and hold the exhale out for a bit... It all begins with the breath, the end is nowhere in sight, but the journey is the nectar!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Marichyasana, or Sage Twist, is a wonderful pose to support digestion and a healthy spine. Please refer to Erich Schiffmann's website for instructions on getting into the pose.
A student approached me after class today and asked me to help her with a practice to stay calm during the frustrating, agitating times that life presents us. We discussed breathing techniques, visualization and methods to keep compassionate in the face of adversity. I realized after this conversation, that this is at the heart of yoga for me: relationships. The underlying intention of all my practices is to relate better. It's what keeps me coming back to my mat after 9 years, and I feel blessed when my students recognize yoga as more than an incredible physically healing tool. I learn so much from you all, and I am so grateful! Thank you. So, the next time you find yourself in a frustrating, defensive or distracted state, take a breath, exhale completely and hold the exhale out for a bit... It all begins with the breath, the end is nowhere in sight, but the journey is the nectar!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Marichyasana, or Sage Twist, is a wonderful pose to support digestion and a healthy spine. Please refer to Erich Schiffmann's website for instructions on getting into the pose.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Change is Bustin' Out All Over...
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
Well, if Winter was the time for contemplation, Spring is certainly the time for agitation! Change is definitely on the wind, which can be difficult. I was struck by this thought last week when my family visited Washington, DC and viewed the Declaration of Independence (along with lots of other interesting things!). The men who signed their names to that document knew that if the change they were attempting to make failed, it would cost them their lives. But as difficult, painful and risky that change might be, they knew it had to be made. I wondered how our founding fathers dealt with the stress, and what we can learn from them today... maybe that the notion that change is inevitable, necessary and sometimes risky, but as Anais Nin said: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." I hope your Spring changes are for the better. As for personal changes, I've migrated to a Mac computer after my PC died. I lost a lot of data, most of it reproducible, but it brought home this idea of impermanence and the need to accept the changes life brings. So, be patient with me as I learn a new system and recreate my data. It's all part of an ever-changing process!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Shalambasana, or Locust pose, is a wonderful pose for Spring. Please refer to Erich Schiffmann's website for instructions on getting into the pose.
Well, if Winter was the time for contemplation, Spring is certainly the time for agitation! Change is definitely on the wind, which can be difficult. I was struck by this thought last week when my family visited Washington, DC and viewed the Declaration of Independence (along with lots of other interesting things!). The men who signed their names to that document knew that if the change they were attempting to make failed, it would cost them their lives. But as difficult, painful and risky that change might be, they knew it had to be made. I wondered how our founding fathers dealt with the stress, and what we can learn from them today... maybe that the notion that change is inevitable, necessary and sometimes risky, but as Anais Nin said: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." I hope your Spring changes are for the better. As for personal changes, I've migrated to a Mac computer after my PC died. I lost a lot of data, most of it reproducible, but it brought home this idea of impermanence and the need to accept the changes life brings. So, be patient with me as I learn a new system and recreate my data. It's all part of an ever-changing process!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Shalambasana, or Locust pose, is a wonderful pose for Spring. Please refer to Erich Schiffmann's website for instructions on getting into the pose.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Spring Yoga
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
My favorite time of year is here: Spring! Not only does March mark the births of both my children, but it also contains the Vernal Equinox (day an night are the same length) and Easter. So, in our house, there are lots of reasons to celebrate and enjoy this month! I hope you will join me the day before Easter to practice yoga and chanting in order to joyfully clear away congestion in the body and spirit… if you are not able, please make time to sing, shout or simply speak joyfully what is in your heart. Think of it as a Spring cleaning for the soul!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
My favorite time of year is here: Spring! Not only does March mark the births of both my children, but it also contains the Vernal Equinox (day an night are the same length) and Easter. So, in our house, there are lots of reasons to celebrate and enjoy this month! I hope you will join me the day before Easter to practice yoga and chanting in order to joyfully clear away congestion in the body and spirit… if you are not able, please make time to sing, shout or simply speak joyfully what is in your heart. Think of it as a Spring cleaning for the soul!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.

Friday, February 1, 2008
Yoga & the "Not Knowing" Mind
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
I was fortunate to attend this year’s Yoga Journal conference in San Francisco, where I enrolled in their teacher’s continuing education track and listened to master teachers and scholars. While much of the information was a repetition of something I had learned before, it was wonderful to revisit it with fresh eyes. In fact, one of the presenters was Frank Jude Boccio, who talked to us about using the Buddha’s teachings to make yoga practice a moving meditation; what resonated with me was his explaining that if we approach our practice as if for the first time (he called it using the “not knowing” mind), we will continue learning more about ourselves in each practice… Taking that same approach to our other relationships and we will be constantly surprised and curious about our partners and loved ones. What a wonderful way to be! I hope it inspires you as much as it did me. If you are interested, here is Frank’s website:
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
I was fortunate to attend this year’s Yoga Journal conference in San Francisco, where I enrolled in their teacher’s continuing education track and listened to master teachers and scholars. While much of the information was a repetition of something I had learned before, it was wonderful to revisit it with fresh eyes. In fact, one of the presenters was Frank Jude Boccio, who talked to us about using the Buddha’s teachings to make yoga practice a moving meditation; what resonated with me was his explaining that if we approach our practice as if for the first time (he called it using the “not knowing” mind), we will continue learning more about ourselves in each practice… Taking that same approach to our other relationships and we will be constantly surprised and curious about our partners and loved ones. What a wonderful way to be! I hope it inspires you as much as it did me. If you are interested, here is Frank’s website:
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
Dearest yogis and yoginis,
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed your holidays and survived the wild storms with ease. I had hoped to have a yoga calendar available for you all to buy, but I got a late start on it, so it just didn’t happen last year. I will be sending you along the information that I gathered for the calendar, however, for you to use. The picture attached to each month’s e-newsletter will have the pose and seasonal tips. I hope they are of use to you and that you enjoy them!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed your holidays and survived the wild storms with ease. I had hoped to have a yoga calendar available for you all to buy, but I got a late start on it, so it just didn’t happen last year. I will be sending you along the information that I gathered for the calendar, however, for you to use. The picture attached to each month’s e-newsletter will have the pose and seasonal tips. I hope they are of use to you and that you enjoy them!
Remember, if you would like to be removed from the newsletter distribution, please let me know. Simply reply with the text “remove from list” in the subject line.

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